if you can SEA it, you can be it
Embodying a Growth Mindset
I have always been a catalyst for change and transformation. From early on, I understood the significance of being accountable for your actions and maintaining a growth mindset to get ahead and achieve goals. I adopted the wisdom of understanding that change was the only thing in life that was constant, and it was how we dealt with change that gave us our strength and determined our success.
Events in my life and career have catapulted me into an accelerated growth mindset that brought me back to the aspects of life that I believe should never go dormant; self-development, introspection, and gaining skills to achieve the most powerful life we can have. The key to going through life is remembering that things happen for us, never to us.
I am committed to helping others transform their lives, turning their experiences into advantages and learning how to overcome any tsunami size wave that will eventually come crashing down.
At one point or another, we have all questioned the paths we have chosen and asked ourselves how to regain a life that is aligned with purpose and fulfillment.
Some of the thoughts in our head go like this:
"Something just doesn't feel right anymore in my life."
"I'm no longer fulfilled in my job, in my work, in my relationship."
"I feel stuck."
"I don't think I am living up to my true potential."
"Why does change have to be so hard?"
"I don't know what it is, but something needs to change."
"I don't know that I'll ever bounce back from this life-changing event."
If those are questions or concerns you've ever experienced or are experiencing today, let me be the first to congratulate you on being human. Life is long, it is beautiful, it is complicated, and it is sometimes messy. We were not born with the rulebook to our lives. We go through chapters, through phases, through triumphs, through dumps, and most of all continuous changes.
Coaching is a service offering that can be an empowering bond developed between a Coach and a Client. Designing a life you love takes a conscious effort. It requires introspection and work. It requires championing. It requires accountability. And it requires a personalized approach.
The WAVES of my Coaching Pillars are:
Wisdom through Awareness
Acceptance and Accountability
Visionary Exploration and,
Empowered Action
My HR experience and focus on growth and development will serve as invaluable accountability and change agent partner.

"A mind stretched by a new experience can never go back to its original dimension."
-Oliver Wendell Holmes
Ebb and Flow
The symbolic meaning of With the Current refers to the everchanging patterns of water and tides.
In nature, water flows in various directions due to natural forces. They are beyond our control, just as in life, circumstances often bring changes we cannot predict.
With the Current understands that to get back on track, we must recognize and identify the way tides rise and fall. By embracing the ocean's natural rhythms and adapting to them, we can all navigate the currents more effectively.
We all have the ability to navigate, to pivot and thrive, and to adopt the tools necessary to succeed.